Starting your own business can be an exciting challenge, but it’s certainly not easy. Luckily, the internet has made it easier than ever to build your business from home. However, running a business out of your apartment does require some extra steps to get started.

1. Choosing the right location

If you’re operating your business from home, it can be tempting to spend as much time there as possible. However, you don’t want your workspace taking over where you live. You need to be able to separate your work life from your personal life — and that means not letting all of your work clutter up and dominate your home office or living room.

2. Creating a home office

No matter how small your apartment is, there’s almost always room for a home office. The key is making sure you separate your work life from your home life — just like it would be at an office building.

The first thing you’ll need is a space. Whether you set up shop in your bedroom, rent out an office at a coworking space, or decide to go rogue and just work from home, you’ll want to establish your workspace. You have to start somewhere, and the kitchen table might just be the ticket.

3. Benefits of starting your business from home

Space constraints may seem like an issue, but they’re actually an opportunity — because it means you can start your business from home. This means no expensive overheads, no hassles with office space, and less cost overall. You'll need to set up an email address and phone line for work calls. But If your business doesn’t rely on client visits, working from home can really save you money.

4. Permission from your landlord

If you want to start a business from your home, you need to check with your landlord first. It’s often possible—many small-business owners work from their homes every day in Toronto, Canada — but it may not be legal or an option if you have a lease that specifically prohibits it. You can learn more about your rights as a renter to know where you stand.

5. Hiring remote employees

Start with a recruiting agency that specializes in your field. If you don't have time to sift through profiles and screen for skills, hire a recruiter to connect you with top-tier individuals. Recruiters are experts at combing through job applications and assessing talent, so they can filter out candidates who will work well with your business.

Living the life of your dreams

Starting a business in your small apartment might seem like an impossible task, but it’s much easier than you’d think. While it’s true that you might not have all the amenities of an office setting, you can still set up a comfortable and functional workspace so you can start bringing in revenue and begin living the life of your dreams. Visit Toronto Jobs Board for career tips, and daily job openings in the Toronto and Ontario areas.

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